Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February 2017


Moments before passing is a very magical time. I would like to tell you a few stories about such times where I’ve been present or close by. My father battled cancer and in the last moments of his life, my mother was the only one by his side. She was resting her head on his bed when she saw the whole room light up with colors of yellow and purple and everything in between. There was even sparks of white light that seemed to be swirling above my father. My mother knew that this was it. She watched him take his last breath and then the light show faded. She still talks about that moment with awe. There was another time when I was comforting a close friend of mine who was with his mother after she had suffered a stroke. His brother was a Momma’s boy and could not come to grasps that his mother was dying. He was upset with the hospital not trying to keep her alive and kept asking his mother to fight for her life. It just happened to be that the brother was the only one present at the moment of his mother’s passing. Sometimes, what we cannot accept, we are shown. I strongly believe that in the moment of passing, the door or veil is wide open for all present to witness. I’ve heard of accounts where a person was surrounded by loved ones who had already passed on and they were coming to take them  home. This was witnessed by the living relatives who were present. If you are in the process of watching someone fade away, stay with them cause they want to show you something very magical and beautiful, and I guarantee you that you will meet again one day.